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Product Questions

Impact Coffee tastes smooth and delicious, with rich Arabica beans perfectly balanced by creamy oat milk.

Impact Coffee actively sharpens focus and productivity, blending caffeine with natural ingredients that clear brain fog and reduce stress.

Swap your usual coffee or energy drink with Impact Coffee for a delicious, energy-boosting beverage.

No, Impact Coffee gives you steady energy without crashes or dips, unlike regular coffee.

Impact Coffee blends premium cold brew, creamy oat milk, and potent nootropics for a drink that enhances focus, reduces stress, and tastes amazing.

Impact Coffee is cold brew coffee from Arabica beans mixed with Oat M!lk and Stevia and infused with three nootropics: Ashwagandha, Ginkgo Biloba and Vitamin B12

Impact Coffee is not suitable for people with gluten allergies, as well as those sensitive to caffeine.

Impact Coffee holds approximately 102.5mg of caffeine per 250ml can.

We recommend you drink a maximum of 2 cans per day. We would also recommend you take a break from Impact Coffee for about 2 weeks if used regularly for 6 months.

Like with all products, too much consumption of Impact Coffee can have side effects. These include laxative effects, as well as general unwellness.

You can store Impact Coffee at room temperature, however it is best served chilled. Shelf life is approximately 12 months.

We are a plant-based drink and source our ingredients from suppliers who champion sustainability. Our cans are aluminium which are infinitely recyclable, and we’re working all the time to improve our sustainability!

Everyone is different, so it’s difficult to guarantee that the nootropics will have the same effect for you as others. However, with so much incredible feedback and studies out there, we believe Impact Coffee can help almost everyone.

In general, yes. However, we recommend taking a break for about 2 weeks after 6 months of continuous use.

No – no added artificial flavourings or preservatives! We do use potassium carbonate as an acidity regulator, which is totally safe.

Need more help? Drop us a line!

Support Hours

Monday to Saturday between 8 AM - 6 PM